Thursday, April 2, 2009

Balancing Your Two Lives (Home and Work)

Among the essential ingredients of a balanced life are meaningful activity, physical and mental health, satisfying relationships and peace of mind. To achieve that balance, you must successfully juggle the demands of your work, personal life, family and relationships.

Staying well-balanced is critical to maintaining mental and physical wellness. If you’re spending too much time working, and not attending to your personal life, it’s easy to become exhausted, stressed and irritable. When you add up all the time you’re awake during the week, each of us has about 112 hours to get everything accomplished that needs to be done. When you successfully get all your work done and also spend time doing the things you enjoy on a regular basis, you will feel more satisfied and in control of your life.

Professional Balance
You should do three things every morning to start your workday with a sense of balance and purpose:
  • Eat breakfast.
  • List your daily goals.
  • Determine your top priorities to plan your day.
Personal Balance
The greatest challenge for many of us is to carve out time for ourselves despite the unceasing demands of work, family and relationships. However, it's imperative you make time for rest and relaxation.

Begin by setting aside the equivalent of an hour a day in which you do things you want to do. You can schedule that hour before or after work. Treat these appointments with yourself with as much respect as you would a meeting with a client or supervisor. Studies have found that people who take time for physical and mental rejuvenation accomplish more and are happier than those who don't take the time.

Creative people often get their best ideas while taking a walk, gardening or taking part in activities not related to work. People who use their evenings, weekends and vacations for personal rejuvenation are more energetic and productive at work and play because they're living a life that is in balance.

For more information about staying balanced, contact the work/life experts at eni.

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