Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Proven Stress Busters

Office tension eats into your productivity – and those you work with. Perhaps you find yourself easily distracted. Maybe you snap at coworkers or imagine throwing your computer through a window. It’s common. But help is here. These relaxation techniques can help relieve both the physical and mental tensions that come with your exciting and stressful career. 
  1. Breathe deeply. Close your eyes and breathe in slowly. Let the breath out for a count of five. Do this 10 times. 
  2. Stretch. Raise your arms above your head. Stretch left and hold for four counts. Stretch right and hold. Reach straight up and stretch your back and shoulder muscles. Gently stretch your right ear toward your right shoulder. Repeat on the other side. Open your mouth as wide as you can and yawn.
  3. Sit up straight in your chair, then drop your upper torso, arms and head between your knees. Exhale and then take a deep breath as you slowly roll up, beginning at the base of your spine. 
  4. Explore as many variations of your sitting position as you can while maintaining good posture: Feet flat on the floor in front of you, lower back supported against your chair and keeping an imaginary straight line from your ears, through your shoulders to your hips. 
  5. Exercise. Take a brisk walk or climb the stairs. 
  6. Eat well. Snack on fresh fruits, vegetables and whole-grain foods. They have lots of stress-busting B and C vitamins. 
  7. Skip your next cup of coffee. Try a new fruit juice instead. Or maybe sip on some herbal tea or hot broth.
  8. Eat a tangerine. Peel it slowly, noticing the mist and the fragrance. Observe the structure of each section and savor each bite. As you eat, imagine the sunny grove where the tangerine grew. 
  9. Laugh. Keep a good joke handy. Take a few moments to jot down the funny aspects of your present situation. 
  10. Talk. Chat with coworkers about hobbies and activities outside of work. 
  11. Close your eyes and picture a peaceful place: a meadow, an ocean scene or a favorite room in your house. Visualize the scene in detail, with all the sights, sounds and smells. 
  12. Look out the window. Let your thoughts drift for five minutes. 
  13. Visit a tree or statue during your lunch break. Enjoy its texture and its shape against the sky.
  14. Finish an easy task, something you've been putting off because it's "not important." 
  15. Play. Work a crossword or other puzzle during a break. 
  16. Give yourself a massage. Rub your left shoulder, neck and scalp with your right hand, and repeat on the right side with your left hand. 

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