Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Listen Up! Creating Culture through Two-Way Dialogue

I find it encouraging as both a marketing executive and an employee to see a new initiative focused on creating a two-way dialogue between management and their workforce to build trust and give employees more empowerment within their organization. This shift is happening at critical time when employee trust is low, and social networking is giving each individual throughout the corporate hierarchy a voice. Employers that don’t take the necessary steps to begin listening, understanding and reacting to the needs of employees will face certain vulnerability in the marketplace.
As an employee within eni who recently achieved “Best Company to Work For” status, I can breathe a sigh of relief knowing my co-workers are representing the eni brand that truly practices what we preach in work/life balance, respect and empowerment.
It is important to note that this type of culture does not occur by accident. Much thought and action goes into creating an employee experience that feeds both job satisfaction and productivity, and our results and ROI reach far beyond what others attempt with branding campaigns. At the end of the workday, it’s not the budget you put into your culture that creates a happy, healthy work environment. Those who are able to succeed in this competitive environment take the time to create a dialogue, and react to what you’re employees are saying.

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